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Consumer Review: Three Days After I Went Off Creatine I Experienced A Rash Of Acne On My Face.

I have taken creatine on and off for three years now. Although I had never personally seen any side effects until now, I am beginning to think it should be banned. Creatine needs to be taken in shorter cycles. I recently went off a four month cycle -WAY too long. I went off creatine because I started getting serious cramps while working out my legs. Three days after I experienced a rash of acne on my face similar to what another article said. I think that when creatine is taken in one month cycles it is safe. When people continue using it for longer periods of time it is unsafe.

Response #1

I recently started using creatine. I have been weight training for about 8 years. I loaded up with creatine for 7 days, consuming between 30-40 grams/day. My weight went from 230-240 pounds over 2 weeks. My strength also increased.

About 2 weeks into my creatine usage, I began to notice that my skin got more oily. I went out with friends one evening and drank about 3 beers. The week following that evening, my skin gradually began to show more signs of acne. Now it has become unbearable, and I am going to stop using the creatine. I am washing my skin 3 times a day, but the acne just continues to develop. I must also mention that I don't think I drank enough water during my creatine usage, which might have helped the acne a bit.

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I would like to continue using creatine, because it did improve my physique.


Response #2

I began my use of creatine during the past summer and I noticed that my gains were significant in the sense that I gained about 12 pounds in only a month and a bit. However, I also noticed some acne on my face, back, and chest. For the record, I never had much acne before. I believe that every time I usecreatine my acne situation acts up. To test this theory, I started using it again two weeks ago and, sure enough, I've had some breakouts on my face and chest. Can anything can be done to prevent acne with the use of creatine? My brand, by the way, is GNC.

Response #3

You are having the same side effect that many other people are having, as well as myself. All I can say is decide which is more important to you, the body or the face.

James B.

Response #4

I too have noticed an increase of acne on my face and I wondered if the creatine I started taking was to blame? This info leads me to believe this is true. Do you think the acne will improve once my body gets used to it?

Response #5

I too have taken creatine and experienced the rapid weight gain results it has to offer. But a couple of days after stopping my usage, I experienced a severe outbreak of acne on my back. If anyone else has experienced this and can tell me how long it lasts or how they got rid of it, I would be really grateful.

Response #6

I have also had an acne reaction to the creatine that I'm taking. However, I notice it gets really bad when I drink alcohol. I also don't think I'm drinking enough water. I love the results I'm getting so I'm giving up alcohol and drinking more water. I'll let you know how it goes.

Response #7

I too have been taking creatine for about two months and have been pleased with the rapid weight gain; however, my arms, shoulders, and back have been breaking out really badly. It is much worse than it has ever been in the past. I am quitting creatine for a while to make sure it's not just me.

Response #8

I started taking creatine months ago, without a loading dose. A few weeks into it I started breaking out. Not incredibly badly, but I was getting more acne than I usually have. I stopped, and the acne gradually went away. I started taking creatine again a week or so ago, but this time I did do a loading dose. I starting breaking out horribly even before the loading phase was over. I stopped taking it 3 or so days ago and it seems that my acne is getting better, but I am curious how long it takes people before their face gets back to normal. Also, I cannot understand how creatine could possibly cause acne. I asked my father, who is a pediatrician, and he said that it might increase testosterone. Keep in mind, he doesn't have a clue what he is talking about because I know that it doesn't. But then how could it do this?

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