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Consumer Review: I Felt Like I Was Having A Heart Attack And Went To The Emergency Room While Taking Creatine.

I have been a runner for about 5 years. I run mainly 5 and 10k's with times in the upper 17's in the 5k and in the mid 37's in the 10k. I began using creatine about a month ago and suffered some serious side effects which I did not attribute to the Creatine until I read some of the posts on this site.

I began experiencing shortness of breath and became winded very easily. On two separate occasions I awoke in the middle of the night gasping for air. I thought I was having a heart attack or something. After one of my runs I was so out of breath I got light-headed and thought I was going to black out. As a result I went to the emergency room because I had absolutely no idea what was wrong. It did not make sense what was going on because of the shape I was in. I did not tell the doctor I was taking Creatine because it did not cross my mind that it could be the problem. He may not have made the connection anyway. His conclusion was that I was suffering from anxiety, which was a relief at the time. Anything is better than a heart attack, I guess.

Anyway, the next day, after using Creatine again, something made me want to investigate possible side effects of Creatine, and I was relieved to read about other people's problems with it. I am also angered because there are no warnings or anything on the label to explain some possible side effects. I have been off it for a week now and feel much better. I still have some shortness of breath from time to time. I realize I only took it for a few weeks, but I would like to know if there will be any long term effects, or if they will subside in time.

Response #1

Here is something for you to wonder about as well. I was taking creatine and enjoyed a trip to the emergency room with the same answer from the doctor as well. He said it must have been anxiety because I was not on any drugs or medications. I always was a bit more tense than most people I knew, so I went for a follow up. My doctor found even at rest and relaxation I was experiencing heart palpitations. I'm talking a few hundred a day!

On a trip to a top cardiologist for more tests (thank god for insurance), I was found healthy and the palpitations actually stopped during exercise. So it was passed off as a non chronic problem. When I told him of the creatine, he told me to stop immediately. I did so, and within a few weeks the palpitations slowed and eventually (4 months) stopped altogether. Upon taking another form of creatine a few months after the palpitations stopped, it only took three days for me to wake up in the middle of the night, completely out of my mind and light headed. I experimented on myself, and a few days later began taking it again. Within a few days, the same thing happened. I stopped, and it has never happened again. Shame too because I had great results from the stuff, well other than a few near death experiences.

The cardiologist was called again and was reassured me I wasn't crazy. It was the creatine. As far as the studies he has conducted, being a former creatine user himself, it's just not a good thing to put your body through. In time, the excess is used up and the body returns to its normal function. He even went as far to say that putting testosterone into your body is bad, but at least it is what it is. Creatine retains water and builds energy bursts due to what you body creates from it.

In closing, coming of creatine you lose it all, and you can't be on it forever so don't bother. The best results I ever had was when I took it in low doses three days a week. I felt stronger and a bit of size with just dry mouth. But still, is it worth it? Id say no. I'm off everything now and am in the best shape of my life as well as the strongest. Good old fashioned diet. Eat at balanced meals and eat at the same times a day.

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