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Consumer Review: As A High School Sophomore Who Has Taken Creatine For 6 Months, I Can Tell You It Works Great If You Drink Enough Water.

Okay, I've noticed that many people who talk about problems with cramps and kidney problems while taking creatine are forgetting something..... Let me tell you what creatine does on the cellular level, okay? In your cells, there is an organelle called mitochondria. This cell part is the power house of your body, it's where all energy is made. To make this energy, mitochondria takes ATP, otherwise known as Anodine Tri-Phosphate (correct me if I spelled that wrong), and converts it into Anodine Di-Phosphate and a phosphate. The energy is made when the bond between the last phosphate ion to the rest of the ion is broken. When it is broken, that phosphate goes out of the cell and has to be collected back into the cell to be combined with ADP so more ATP can be produced. Understand?

Now, one of the things that creatine does is it makes that phosphate more readily available in the cell to be combined with ADP. Hence, more energy is ABLE to me made! Now, it also puts a salytic formula in your cells. What this does is it makes it so that water can go into your cell, but the salytic formula can't get out. That's how your muscles look so much bigger after just a little while of working out. Now where do you think your body is going to get the water to put in those muscle cells??? From the rest of your body!! Which means that you have to drink more water so that the rest of your body will not dehydrate. I am a sophomore in High School, and have been taking Creatine for almost half a year, and the only times when I've felt side-affects was when I wouldn't drink enough water. These side-affects would include drowsiness, headaches, cramps, things like that. But it's only if you don't take it right!! Just remember.....DRINK WATER!!!


Response #1

I fully agree! Creatine is a wonder-supplement. It really DOES work. I gained 7 pounds (water, but hey, it counts as muscle because that's where the water goes) in 10 days. I had a MAJOR cramping episode a few days ago when doing squats - my legs locked up and it hurt like hell. Reason? I stopped drinking water for a couple of days. I'll never do that again! I make sure to drink 2 litres of extra water a day and I don't have a problem with cramps anymore.

Response #2

I am a user of creatine and I am also a certified personal trainer. With most of the people that I trained have told the same stories that you hear everywhere. Stomach pains and even in the kidneys. I used to take regular old monohydrate and even when drinking close to two gallons of water everyday, I still felt pains in my kidneys and experienced mild cramps. The fact is that everything that you do to your body which puts it in an unnatural state will result in some form of side effects. The severity of those side effects depends on the person. My advice to those using the stuff is to be smart. Stop the use if kidney pain persists even with the consumption of ridiculous amounts of water. But like any supplement, you have to ask your self this question: Is five years of big muscles worth ten year of my life?

Response #3

I totally agree with it too. I'm also a sophomore, and I haven't been taking it yet, but I have been asking doctors and getting a lot of info they all said to drink water so you don't dehydrate. also I was wondering how much you benched before you started taking it, and how much now that its been about 6 months. One more question what kind did you take, the powder pill or liquid?

Response #4

Yeah, you're right. Ever since I've started taking creatine I've been far more thirsty, so I just started drinking water non-stop. My stamina and strength has gone up so fast that it's almost a miracle. I've also needed less rest time between workouts and my intensity has increased. I've known people who have had side effects, but they don't drink enough water, instead they drink soda, and alcohol which only makes the problem worse.

Response #5

Creatine works because of water so more water is obviously needed in the diet. Many people talk badly about supplements but don't even use them right. After reading many reports, I am starting to get the feeling that creatine is not for some people. First of all, if you can't take a supplement right, then don't take it. If you are taking it right and are either not experiencing gains, or negative results, don't take the supplement. Why waste the time and money?

I am 17 years old in high school, I am 6'0" and weigh 220 pounds. My one rep max for bench press is 300 lbs and I rep 260 in squats. Also, you cant expect a supplement to work if your diet is crap. No Doritos, potato chips, late night snacks, soda, coffee, beer, don't take any of this if you want to lift seriously. supplements may work without a good diet but they will not give you the full gains unless a person has a good diet.

Response #6

I am a certified personal trainer, with a masters degree in physiology, working toward my medical degree in Indiana (IU School of Medicine). Anyhow, that is why you should listen to me. The only problems associated with kidney pain are largely due to the body's attempt to re-allocate hydration, through this, breaking chemical bonds of various kinds. Thereby, there are extra wastes to be evacuated. Adenosine triphosphate is the proper spelling, by the way. In any case, the factor of water-retention is detrimental to endurance athletes, but those wishing to cause a hypertropic effect should note this indication of the creatine. Combination with carbohydrates is a must, as the insulin boost helps to draw the creatine into the muscle cells. Through this "volumization" as it is commonly referred to, an edemic level of nutrient storage is note, actuating the processes required for the synthesis and recombination of nucleic aminos, that is, potentiating the meitotic division of cells. These cells, then are also able to retain a greater volume, significantly increasing fast-twitch, brief motions. As noted, anyone on a proper diet should have more than enough water for this supplement intake, anyhow.

Some people will note that they do not respond to the supplement. Whether they are ingesting it without a carbohydrate (as has been noticed) with only water, to not cause any creatinine volume in the blood, a by-product of tissue usage of the creatine. Also, if there is not a proportional dosage, the effects will also be minimal. Often over training, as is the case in most common weight-training programs, will deplete the stores far to quickly.

Not to in any way promote or give this as consultation, any person considering supplementation should consult a licensed physician before use of any supposed ergogenic, of any form.

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