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Consumer Review: I, For One, Don't Ever Plan On Using Creatine Citrate Again (I Probably Would Have Gained More From Spending That Money On Whey Powder).

Because I read about how creatine citrate was better than creatine monohydrate, I purchased some. Boy! Oh Boy!! What a waste of money. I loaded with 20 grams a day for 5 days, and then went on a maintenance dose of 5 grams. I took the powder with a sugary grape drink, I made sure to get 7-8 hours of sleep a day. Nutrition wise, I made sure to get enough carbohydrates, and protein. I drank a minimum of 8 glasses of water and sometimes as much as 16 glasses of water a day. I consumed a potent multivitamin and mineral tablet each day. I ate 5 small meals a day, spaced out 2-3 hours. I trained 4 days a week for 1-1 1\2 hours, using a split routine system and progressively increasing poundages.

For the six weeks that I was on the creatine citrate, my weight remained the same. Before supplementing I was 152 pounds, after 6 weeks of supplementation with creatine citrate I am still 152 pounds. I noticed no gains in muscle strength or size. I cannot lift anymore weight now than I could before taking creatine citrate. My physique still looks the same.

The failure of the creatine citrate may have been due to something particular to my body chemistry, or else the product just does not work. Since creatine monohydrate is the only product to be successfully tested in the laboratory, I advise other consumers to try creatine monohydrate before trying creatine citrate. I intend to try creatine monohydrate once I'm finished with the citrate. I, for one, don't ever plan on using creatine citrate again (I probably would have gained more from spending that money on Whey Powder).

Response #1

In response to the person who said "I, For One, Don't Ever Plan On Using Creatine Citrate Again (I Probably Would Have Gained More From Spending That Money On Whey Powder). I say that he either made the story up, or is incompetent in gaining muscle. I have been using Creatine Citrate for 10 weeks now and have grown from 175lbs to 185lbs. My bench has gone to 325lbs from its previous 290lbs. Creatine citrate has not only gotten me bigger, but also faster improving my 100 meter time from 10.96sec to 10.61sec. So in conclusion, this person needs to learn how to workout instead of sitting by the computer and whining.

Response #2

I am an easy gainer and have had good results with creatine monohydrate. It sounds to me like you're overtraining though. If you're a hard gainer, I wouldn't recommend that you work any one body part more than once every one or two weeks (I'm an NASM certified trainer, and wonder if your trainer is considering your body type). This may sound extreme, but I too have learned from my own experience as an over trainer. Even though I'm an easy gainer, I have found that the best program for me is to train each body part no more than once a week. Remember, when you're lifting, you're destroying muscle tissue, not matter how pumped you look at the time. If you don't rest, you won't grow.

Response #3

I am responding to the guy who said that creatine citrate did nothing for him. Sounds like you are doing something wrong or maybe you purchased a product that was old or had been exposed to moisture.

First of all, although I have always had good cardio until June of this year, I had never lifted weights in my 29 years and the difference in my upper and lower body was really obvious. I read about creatine and decided to try it. Using LIGHT weights and starting a jogging program (along with cycling) the difference in my body is amazing. I don't want to be Arnie but now I look lean and mean and it's great (and everyone tells me).

I have heard all sorts of varying opinions on Creatine Citrate but I believe it works. One thing I do know is that its benefits diminish significantly if the product is exposed to moisture so it is better to buy smaller amounts and use it up fast. Give it another shot and listen to the good advice from the dude who mentioned overtraining. Good luck.

Response #4

I don't know why this product didn't work for this individual. I began taking creatine mono about a year ago (cycling on and off). I eventually stopped making gains after about 8 months and decided, recently, to use the citrate. I didn't change my workout routine at all, yet I immediately started making gains again, more so in strength. My experiences with both types of creatines are impressive. My max bench has gone from 215 to 285 and my time in the 40 has dropped almost 3 tenths of a second. God bless these products, because if you know how to workout, they WILL work for you.

Ontario, Canada

Response #5

Creatine citrate is not what you should be taking. It pretty much does nothing for your body. CREATINE MONOHYDRATE is the correct form of creatine to be taking.

Response #6

You were doing everything right, and I don't know why you would lie. So, it sounds like you got ripped off.

Response #7

Yeah, I just started taking Creatine Citrate. I'm kind of apprehensive about the whole idea of taking an artificial citrate bonded creatine molecule instead of the natural creatine powder. Although I'm kind of interested in the gains I'm supposed to get, I think that it may have been better just getting the regular creatine, knowing that it is tested more.

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