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Training Question: How Can I Burn The Fat Covering My Lower Back And Abs And Bulk Up My Chests And Arms?

I'm a 20 year old sailor in the Navy. My arms, chest, upper back, and upper abs are developing nicely. However, my lower back and abs still have a nasty layer of fat. I could use any good, reliable tips for cutting that layer and bulking up my chest and arms.

Answer #1

My suggestion is to take a fat mobiliser. Basically, fat mobilisers free up fat deposits, and send the fat to where you need it. This is then converted to lean muscle. Taking a fat mobiliser along with creatine will achieve the best results.

Answer #2

It has been suggested that you take fat blockers and fat burners to help you along. It is my suggestion that you do cardiovascular activity with a higher intensity and more frequently. You should also cut out all fatty foods from your diet. Taking creatine is a good idea because it will keep your muscle mass up while you eat less in order to lose fat.

Answer #3

OK, just wanted to suggest a couple of things here. First of all, fat mobilizers do encourage secretion of fatty acids, which allows you to increase your fat burning ratio, meaning that when you burn calories, they will be less likely to be muscle glycogen, and more likely fat. However, if you have a fatty diet, this will do no good. Secondly, these mobilizers do not "turn fat into muscle." The only thing that creates muscle is protein. What you really need to do to loose weight is determine how many calories you expend during a day. You can do this by multiplying your body weight in pounds by 14. This is how many calories you would burn if you were sedentary, which is obviously not the case for you since you are in the service. Look at physical activity simply as a bonus.

Now, in order to loose 1 pound of fat, you need to restrict your caloric intake by a total of 3500 calories. So, if you normally need 2500 calories a day to maintain your weight, eat 2000 a day. This will equate to 1 pound a week. You will probably lose another pound per week with your exercise and level of activity. Don't try to lose this weight too fast because your body will lose lean tissue at the same time. In order to avoid this pitfall, keep working out, and eat a higher percentage of protein in your diet. If you normally eat 30% protein in your diet, now eat 50%. The reason for this is that if you are restricting caloric intake, your body will tend to use about half of the protein you take in as energy, and half for rebuilding muscle, compared to a normal 100% of the protein you taking in being used for muscle rebuilding. This is why you need to eat a higher percentage of protein, which means cutting the fat out.

One last thing, you cant target one particular area of your body to trim up, so don't even try. The key is to lower your percentage of body fat overall, and then everywhere, including your midsection, will trim up. Doing sit-ups may seem like you are loosing weight around your belly, but it is actually just the muscle pulling things tighter. The reality is, you probably already have a nice six pack, it's just hiding under a layer of fat. The good news is, you are half way there. If the upper abs are starting to show, as they always do first, you are getting there. Keep working, have fun.

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