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Training Question: I Am 15 And Was Wondering If Anyone Could Recommend A Good Workout And Training Routine?

I am 15 and was wondering if anyone could recommend a good workout and training routine?


Answer #1

You should workout everyday except on the weekends (you can do some pushups and crunches though), but do different parts of the body each day you lift so that your muscles have a resting period where they repair themselves.

For example, do upper boddy one day and lower body the next, this is the routine I use and I play football so I know it works. Like do bench press, incline bench, military (behind the neck), some push presses, and some mat drills to get your cardiovascular system in action. You should do the mat drills first. The next day you should do squats, power cleans, leg curls, leg extensions, and also do some hip joint flexor stretches if you want to keep your speed during this whole ordeal. Never do upper body secondary lifts on your days for lower body lifts!

Answer #2

The first answer on the page pretty much sums it up. I am fifteen and train upper body one day, then lower the next. I do three exercises per body part, with three sets of 8-12 reps each, and all my workouts are really heavy. This routine has been great for keeping off fat while gaining strength. I am 6'0, 155 pounds and have increased my bench to 215 pound using this routine.

Answer #3

My entire varsity football teem uses a pyramid workout. Find your max. and do 5 sets 8-6-4-2-1. You should end about 10lbs under your max. (for example, my bench press max is 305lbs, so I do 255 8 reps, 265 6 reps, 275 4 reps, 285 2 reps, and 295 1 rep).
I'm not an expert, but I have great coaches and this workout has given us great gains.

Answer #4

I assume that you are a beginner, being so young, so here are a few tips. The first thing to realize about weight training is that people will tell you what's right and what's wrong. Don't listen to them. Do what you think works for you, or a routine you can perform consistently. It's all about consistency. Don't get lazy. The second thing you must realize is that you shouldn't worry about how much weight you lift. Instead, worry about how you lift the weight. Form is everything!! Go see a personal trainer. They can make a world of difference. The third thing I would like to point out is to maintain a healthy diet. "You are what you eat." Don't listen to your friends that may poke fun at you. They're just jealous because they don't have the drive and determination that you have. Be consistent and you will inspire them. The ladies will flock from all directions!!!

Here's a routine that I found easy to stick to:

--Day 1: Upper Body
Chest: 5 sets. Reps=12, 10, 8, 6, 12.
Delts: same
Back: same
Bicep: same
Tricep: same
**Rest one minute between sets--no longer. Immediately after your last set of twelve, choose a different exercise with lighter weight and do twelve reps. Feel that burn. Now move on to the next body part.

--Day 2: 20 minutes of intense, nonstop cardio.

--Day 3: Lower Body
Quads: 5 sets. Reps=12, 10, 8, 6, 12.
Hamstrings: same
Calves: same
**Same concept as before (Upper Body). Use good form.

--Day 4: 20 minutes of intense, nonstop cardio.

--Day 5: Repeat upper body.

--Day 6: 20 minutes of intense, nonstop cardio.

--Day 7: rest

**The next week on day 1, do a lower body workout with upper body on day 3, lower body again on day 5.

Remember, use good form and keep your motions slow and controlled. Concentrate on the muscle getting stronger. Don't be afraid to vary the exercises each time you go into the gym. I can't promise that this will work for you, but hopefully I gave you an idea of what it takes to make progress. Be patient and you'll eventually find the routine that works for you (if this is not the one). Whatever routine you do, stick with it for a month or two. If it doesn't work, try something else. Don't get discouraged.

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