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Training Tip: Here Are Some Tips To Increase Your Bench Press.

Proper bench pressing biomechanics are important when bench pressing:

-do not arch back
-lower the bar under control as a slow descent will help increase your bench
-press up fast with as much power as possible
-never bounce the bar off your chest
-do not have an exaggerated wide grip
-push up and back in a good arc
-keep but on bench
-place feet on platform 4 inches high
-take a deep breath and hold before lowering the bar
-your grip should be so that your elbows are directly under your hands
-remember to lower the bar below the nipples , then a slight pause before pressing up
-use the elbows against lats technique , your elbows should never be perpendicular to your body , they should caress your body as you lower the bar
-you should flex your lats all the time and use then to drive the bar up!!

These guidelines are to use to your advantage to improve the amount of weight you will handle in the bench press.

Response #1

I prefer to use dumbbells; I get definition in more areas because they require more work from the smaller, supportive muscles. I do inclines one day; flats one day; declines one day. After benches, I do flys, again, incline, flat, decline. Usually on the flat bench day, I'll follow with cable crossovers; first lower cables, then upper, holding the position for 3 secs each rep, then 10 secs last rep.


Response #2

I used to do a 4 day split program for about 2 years, eventually, improvements became slow and nothing helped.. varying weights, varying reps, varying sets, varying rest time did nothing. So this is a technique that works you better and lets you do your workout much, much quicker. Just use it with your normal workout.

Firstly, instead of doing 2, 3 or 5 sets of an exercise you only need to do 1. Recent studies show that one good set of resistance exercise is as effective as 2, 3 or 5 sets for producing significant strength gains. But you have to do the set properly. Studies done by the YMCA have found that men who lifted less weight, but took longer, increased strength faster than those using a normal lifting technique. That is because you use more muscle fibbers more intensely by going slowly.

So what do you do? Take your normal exercises, then trim about 30% off the weight you normally lift. Instead of lowering and raising the weight normally, take 4 seconds in the initial motion then take 10 seconds in the second, so 1 rep takes you a good 14 seconds. Do anything between 4 and 12 reps, depending on what you want. It's tough to get right initially, so have someone spot you for bench press'.

You will save a lot of time working this way which allows you to include more aerobic exercises. This method is especially useful for your chest and abs. I found that I was able to add 2 to 3 kilograms to my max bench press every week.

Of course, don't forget to allow adequate time for your body to rest (even if you feel you need to work an area you sometimes need up to a week of rest for the muscle to fully rebuild itself) and have a good diet is just as important as the workout and always have at least one day a week when you do no weight training.

Another good tip is to use dumbbells instead of a bar...sometimes this is not practical but working with dumbbells gives you a greater range of motion, in turn working more muscle fibers.

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