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Consumer Review: Plant Derived Colloidal Minerals And Vitamins Are The Safest.

To derive the very best in vitamins and minerals that are absolutely safe for anyone use plant derived colloidal minerals and vitamins. Most all diseases are caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency or both.

DO NOT use vitamins/minerals that are derived from metallic sources, clays, seabeds, etc.. Some are toxic and none are absorbed by the body as well as plant derived colloidal minerals. Plant derived colloidal minerals are 98 percent absorbable whereas the others are only 12 to 25 percent absorbable. Also, did you know you can take all the vitamins in the world, but if you aren't taking minerals along with them, they won't do you any good. I have documented proof of this and will gladly answer any questions.

Yes, I am a distributor for American Longevity. I can furnish documented testimonials of how our products have helped arthritis sufferers, cured ADD, cured cystic fibrosis, etc.. You do not have to be a distributor to buy the products.

Cozette R.

Response #1

Your product cured cystic fibrosis? You need a reality check.

Response #2

Not to sound negative, but many people have a huge misconception about Colloidal Minerals. And their founder is the reason for it. He claims that they're 98% absorbable. In truth there is no information in the world database to support that claim. Also, he claims to be a M.D. Actually if you research he is a Doctor, but in Veterinary Medicine (DVM). Also he has a Naturopath Degree (ND). He never even attended medical school. He also claimed to be a 1991 Novel Prize nominee in medicine. Which could be true, but anyone can nominate anyone else for a Nobel prize. Sorry, but he has many confused about this. If you want to see how good they are, have a lab analyze them. Just one experiment had you needing to drink 6.2 qts. of that stuff every day, just to get the RDA. I don't mean to be negative but this ran really hurt people's pockets, and not help their health.

Justin L.
Nutrional Researcher

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