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Question: Could You Please Recommend A High Quality Prenatal Vitamin?

I am a 29 year old female who is presently trying to conceive. I am looking to purchase an over-the-counter prenatal vitamin, but am unsure of which brand to get. Could you please recommend a high quality prenatal vitamin?

Many thanks!

Question expanded by another reader.
We want to have children, but are in no rush. My doctor gave me a prenatal mtr with selenium manufactured by Ethex. I know I need folic acid, but why selenium. What else should I know about these vitamin mineral supplements?

Answer #1

The vital ingredient in a prenatal vitamin both before and after conception is folic acid. If you have insurance with a co-pay, you will pay less for a good prescription for prenatal vitamins through your doctor than you will for one "over the counter". If not, just check to be sure the product you buy contains folic acid. It is also very important to maintain a healthy diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables both before and during pregnancy.

One thing to watch for, if you start having skin rashes after taking a prenatal for a while, you may need to switch due to allergic reaction. I found that the prenatals that had color added caused these rashes. When I switched to a prenatal vitamin with no coloring, my rashes cleared right up. I know of at least two other mothers who had this same reaction. Good luck, remember children are our greatest blessing. They deserve the best we can give them before and after they are born.

Answer #2

I am a Registered Nurse with a Master of Science degree in Obstetrical Nursing. I have been a childbirth educator for more than 14 years. I work with many couples who are expecting or expecting to be expecting.

The nutritional status of BOTH parents is very important to the long-term health of the yet-to-be-conceived infant. Both parents need to avoid exposure to all/any toxic compounds/chemicals (i.e. cigarette smoke, tobacco, alcohol, artificial color, artificial flavoring, synthetic vitamins - [the ones that are available thru drugstores, grocery stores, and most of them in the health food stores are synthetic.].

Therefore, when looking for a "good prenatal" vitamin, the best option is to look for a well balanced food supplement with adequate folic acid and approximately 100% of the RDA (%DV) for all recognized nutrients (19 at last count) with established RDA's. Furthermore, these vitamins should turn to a little pile of granules while sitting undisturbed in plain water in 30 minutes or less. If it takes much longer than that, you won't get much absorption into the blood stream....if any.

Before you put anything in your body that might cross the placenta into the baby's bloodstream, be sure it is something that will BUILD the baby....and not be toxic or cause birth defects! If your body has to "de-toxify" it, it has the potential to be a problem either before, during, or after conception. If you have any further questions, email them to and I will try to answer them.

Zona B. T.,

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