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Training Routine: Back, Shoulders, And Abs.

This is my back and shoulders routine. Hope it helps you.


*Pull-ups (3 sets, each to failure). If you can't do regular body weight pull ups, most gyms have a "gravitron" type of machine that can assist you by lifting part of your body weight for you so you can control what percentage of your body weight you can lift. Otherwise, have someone assist you at the knees, feet, or waist. In order to gain strength, it's helpful to have someone assist you after you have reached your maximum rep for several more reps. In a few weeks, you'll notice a difference! This is one of the best exercises for back. Do it first, since it takes the most amount of energy.

*Seated rows with wide grip (3 sets, 8-15 reps each). There are many grips to choose from for this exercise. Try to vary them into your workouts every time you do this exercise. Start with a light weight then increase the weight in succession of sets. For those of you who want more of a challenge, try holding each rep for a count of 2. For those who just want to tone and not build muscle, lower the weight, do more reps (20), and don't increase the weight for the second and third sets. Remember, good form comes first: shoulders back first, then pull.

*Lat Pull Downs (3 sets, 8-15 reps each). The first movement is the same as with most back exercises, shoulders down first, then pull. This ensures that you are not using your body or arms. It will isolate the back muscles that you are trying to work, the latissimus dorsi, the largest muscle on your back. Lower the weight to get good form if you have to. Go for the feel. Remember to always keep your abs tight to protect your lower back too.

*Lower Back Extensions (2 sets, each to failure). Try to round out your back on the way down so that you are not bending at the hips so much. On the way up, straighten out your back and even push your shoulders back a little bit. You should be able to feel each and every muscle on the way up. Knees should be slightly bent.


*Giant Sets, Circuit Format (3 sets, 8-15 reps each exercise). Giant sets are combinations of exercises for the same body part all done together successively. This variation gives you an opportunity to increase your endurance by doing it in circuit format meaning little or no rest in between sets.Of course, you'll have to lower your normal weight in order to do these. They really burn! Start with 8-15 reps of shoulder presses with dumbbells, then immediately go into lateral raises (remember, no momentum. Don't throw the weights up with your body, it's all deltoids. Also, lead with your elbows) for the same number of reps, and finish with 8-15 reps of rear delts by bending over seated, with your back flat, elbows slightly bent, lift the dumbbells to the side and towards your head. For this one, remember to not use momentum as well. Lift slower on the upswing, and resist the gravity on the downswing. Keep your back flat and abs tight at all times. This combination can be done seated or standing, whichever is more comfortable. Most people prefer to sit.

*Shrugs (2 sets, 10-20 reps). Using dumbbells, holding them down at your side, roll your shoulders forward and up towards your ears for half of the reps, and backwards and up for the other half. Try to pause for a split second at the top for each contraction. Remember to keep your abs tight, knees slightly bent, legs apart to protect your lower back. Wear a back support belt if you can.


*Ab Circuit.(30 reps each exercise). Start with regular crunches, then immediately go into reverse crunches. After reverse crunches, immediately go into obliques with one leg over the other knee and come up in a twist movement. After this, drop both knees together to the side, and come up straight with your upper body. No rest in between sets. These are done on the floor. If you need more of a challenge, add weights by holding a small plate on top of your chest for regular crunches, and tie small dumbbells to your ankles when working your lower abs with reverse crunches.

*NOTE: For all these exercises, form comes first, breathe properly, and practice safe weight lifting techniques by lowering your weights when necessary, using a partner as your spotter, and wearing your safety belt for lower back protection. Also, this workout is listed in the order that it is performed. The general strategy is to do the exercises that work the largest muscles first because they take more energy, then do the ones for the smaller and less significant muscles at the end. However, you need to vary your workouts from time to time. Your body gets used to certain movements. You have to constantly surprise your muscles into responding. One more thing, it's extremely important to stretch in before, after, and in between sets the muscle you are working. This helps lengthen the muscle and stretch the fascial tissue, making your muscle able to have a wider range of motion.

FREE CARDIO TIP: If you're bent on burning calories while doing cardio on a treadmill, increasing the incline by only 10% with everything else being the same will burn 75% more calories!

Response #1

I had a comment on the DB shrug exercise. Rolling your shoulders back for the last half of the movement is a pretty unnatural feeling. Also, I heard that it is one of the best ways to tear a rotator cuff!

Response #2

DO NOT roll your shoulders on the shrug! You can really screw up your rotator cuffs.

Response #3

Rolling your shoulders should not tear or damage your rotator cuff if you use good form and manageable weight. However, you should not rotate the shoulders because it is a wasted movement. While rolling your shoulders moves the trapezius muscles through a full range but will not work your traps effectively like you think. The reason is when you shrug the weight up, your are working against gravity to bring the weights up. This creates a plane of resistance that will stimulate the muscle. However, during the horizontal movement portion of the shrug ( the rolling back part of the shrug ), there is nothing create a resistance to stimulate the muscles, therefore it is a wasted movement. The best thing to do is shrug the weights straight up and down, with the dumbbells at your side. Don't let the weights hang in front because it may ending up giving you a rounded hunched over look. Hold the contraction at the top for about a second and limit the reps to 8-10. Use straps if you have a weak grip but use manageable weight that you can use good form on.

For a more complete trap workout and to work the traps in the horizontal plane, try this. On a seated row machine, grab the bar with about a shoulder-width grip. With your arms fully extended ( maintain the correct seated row posture so you don't hurt your back ), shrug the weight backwards without bending your arms. This is a little awkward at first but will really hit the lower traps hard and effectively.

Good luck and train safe and smart. :-)

Response #4

When doing rear deltoid raises, sit on an incline bench facing the backrest and tilt the front end of the dumbbells up when raising. Try this at various angles; you'll get fuller muscle definition.

There are a few treadmills in my gym that go up to 25 degree incline. I set it on a fast walk; do 5 minutes at 5 degrees; 5 at 10 degrees, then 20 and 25 respectively. Then I take it down, 5 minutes on each, 20, 15, 10, 5. For agility, I set the pace at 4 - 5 and shift quickly from front to side to rear to side, all variations. I'd recommend starting at an easy pace if you've never done this, so as not to crash.

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